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  Therapy?  The Hunger For Inspiration  Just assure yourself everything will be okay, because it will.   “When you have a dream, just grab it and don’t let go!”   “Never stop believing in yourself, you can do anything when you make up your  mind to do it,”   and then there’s the notorious quote by Audrey Hepburn,  “Nothing is impossible. The  word itself says ‘I’m possible!”   Motivation and inspiration aren't supposed to expire are they?   When you want something bad enough you can’t stop thinking about it, you hunger for it, you can taste it, it will not go away. Some people start planning and mapping out their goals in their mind. Thinking,  “How can I achieve my goals?”  Calculating every step, each word, and even mimic how to act in order to manipulate a situation order to reach your life’s fullest desires.   If you don’t act fast though, that hunger can disappear. Sometimes when you think about something so much it just drains you physically and emotionally .   Why We Need Mo


  Antique And Vintage Tin Containers Canisters I walked into a small boutique attached to a coffee shop. There was a sophisticated elegance to the room. I felt as if I was transported back in time when I looked up to see all the "Coca-Cola" memorabilia. It was nostalgic. My eyes glanced up to gaze at the antique tin coffee cans, the vintage containers varied from pop-corn to cigar cases, all made of metal tin. My thoughts began to escape me as I got caught up in the intricate detailing on these canisters. I was eager to find out why people valued these items. I started to investigate on the how these treasures were originated. I couln't comprehend why these tin containers where so in demand. Peanut Butter, Bubble Gum, Potato Chips, and Cereal....and so so much more. What made one want to start collecting empty tins, some with great patina, others almost rusted, what's to give?  "VINTAGE LIMITED DESIGNS"  Let's Investigate  My curiosity led me to examinin


  Be Your Own Make-Up Artist     THE BEAUTY IN ORGANIZATION As a makeup enthusiast, you know how important it is to have a proper storage solution for your products. Not only does it help keep your products organized and easily accessible, but it also helps to protect them from damage. One storage solution that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the makeup train case. Here are some reasons why makup train cases are a must have for any makeup lover.   ORGANIZATION One of the biggest benefits of a makeup train case is its ability to help you  organize your products. With multiple compartments and drawers, you can separate your products by type, color, or brand, making it easier to find what you need quickly. No more digging through a cluttered makeup bag or drawer to find your favorite lipstick or eyeshadow palette.   PROTECTION Makeup train cases are also great for protecting you products from damage. They are designed to be durable and sturdy, which means that they can


                                                 Make Good Choices And Feel Good About It               DOING THE "TO-DO LIST"  How do you feel at the end of the day once you go to check off on your "To-Do List? Did you even make a "To-Do List?" What feeling over comes you when you look at your bank statement? Are you inspired to spend your money thesee days? Are you spiritually inspired, or does it feel like a chore when you try to go to church? Do you feel exhausted just thinking about these things? There's a variation of feelings that go through me when I think of any of these, least of all inspired. When you're motivated to make money something in you kicks and you become eager, empowered even to perform in order to be rewarded. We like the results of working...being paid. Are we driven by the reward? Yes, dopamine starts moving around in our brain. It's the "happy pill", that lets us know something good is coming...and we're getti