WHAT MAKES YOUR HOME A "SMART HOME?" You've probably heard the children's song, "The foot bone is connected to the leg bone, the leg bone is connected to the knee bone, the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone..." Every bone in the body is connected to another part of the body. Well, when you ask yourself, "What exactly is a "Smart Home?" Think of that song. Everything in a "Smart Home" is connected to something else. Just imagine waking up calmly to the shades slowing opening automatically as your alarm goes off and your lights dimmer on slowly before you get out of bed. As just as you come down the stairs the security alarm system is now unarmed so you can let the dog out without the alarm going off, and there's no need to feed the dog, you can brush your teeth while the pet feeder releases your furry friends breakfast. Your voice assistant reads your calendar and schedule for the day as you get dressed. It's a re...