
The Hunger For Inspiration 

Just assure yourself everything will be okay, because it will. “When you have a dream, just grab it and don’t let go!” “Never stop believing in yourself, you can do anything when you make up your mind to do it,” and then there’s the notorious quote by Audrey Hepburn, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!” Motivation and inspiration aren't supposed to expire are they? When you want something bad enough you can’t stop thinking about it, you hunger for it, you can taste it, it will not go away. Some people start planning and mapping out their goals in their mind. Thinking, “How can I achieve my goals?” Calculating every step, each word, and even mimic how to act in order to manipulate a situation order to reach your life’s fullest desires. If you don’t act fast though, that hunger can disappear. Sometimes when you think about something so much it just drains you physically and emotionally. 

Why We Need Motivation 

Have you ever tried to rationalize something with yourself in your head? Then you have to tell yourself to just be realistic, "You need to have a back up plan, your dreams are just that…dreams."  People need motivation, inspiration, something to drive us into the process of doing what it is we really want to do deep down inside of us. Why do we need someone else to arouse us into doing something it is we really already want to do? People need motivation. People get a charge after they're inspired to do something. Being in a room with positive people all stirred up about life, exalted, and activated to do something activates an energy within yourself. You just think, "Hey, I could do that...I could do that way better!"


Now, knowing there's a difference between inspiration and motivation, but to be successful you do need motivation and you do need to be inspired. Maybe both not need to be applied, but at the same time, when you had both and now don't, what's the reason? Some of us will stop at nothing to keep that drive going so we can go above and beyond and make something of ourselves, our lives, the world we live in. Buying affirmation cards to set around the house, listening to professional motivative speakers to encourage us to do things, watching movies to help persuade us to follow our dreams. Remember that character in that movie you watched, the one that beat the odds and got what they were always wishing for?  “If they can do it so can I,” you tell yourself. You feel transformed after watching a movie like that, there’s nothing like something that challenges you and gets your battery charged. Motivation is like a drug that gets you ready to deliver and overcome any adversity. It’s then we can see the big picture and we not only want to aspire to be a better version of ourselves, but also we’re exceptionally passionate about what we need to do and how we’re going to get it done

Where Do You Want To Be?

Sometimes that feeling comes back, I have flashbacks of ideas when I believed in myself, no matter what dilemma I came across, I was willing to risk it all, I was self motivated.  I’m still envisioning positive situations happening, imagining what I'll be wearing when I...., I still want to believe I can overcome any obstacles, and I know it’s never too late to start over, so why have all the goals I wanted to achieve seemed to have turned into a reality and it’s told me I have to escape the fantasy world. I feel like I’ve just stopped believing. What happens when you believe you can do something for so long only to realize you’re not where you want to be? Do we have to continue to get inspired and motivated by someone or something? Do we press through harder, do we just need to find another form of uplifting, or do we need to come to the realization that it's not going to happen...unless we just keep ourselves motivated and energized? As people we do need encouragement, but do we need it continuously? Like blood pumping through our veins we have got to keep being influenced and guided to keep that charge going through us?

Don't Settle

Almost everyday I want to go back, go back to when I could just check off my to-do list and push through the rush…unstoppable, feeling so empowered to get things done in order to do what I wanted to do. There used to be an adrenaline that would kick in and keep me going, moving non-stop, driving to different places to see different people, walking blocks away to run an errand, determined to set forth my destination. I could motivate myself to do just about anything, especially if someone didn’t think I could do something. If someone told me I couldn’t do something, I’d do it just to prove them wrong. Now, my priorities aren’t in order, an alarm clock can go off and I’m not in a rush to turn it off. Where did my motivation go? Why can’t I tackle any task? Just a task, just check off one thing from my list daily? I ask myself, “Why can’t you get going? You want to accomplish these things. Just come on, do it, just do it,” and everything escapes me. I do deserve to be able to accomplish one thing, just one, so I can check it off my list. The list doesn’t have to be completely done. I would settle on starting off slow and getting to a point of just accomplishing some of my goals in life. I can’t believe I just said the words settle…me settle? This is not good. My brain isn’t even built to settle…on anything. I have always have had to keep going, I've always found inspiration in succeeding, so I ask myself,"What happened?"

Why Do This? 

How can I get so drained so easily? Where did that get up and go go? I want to remind myself, “Hey…it’s me, a lot is supposed to be happening, what’s going on?” Why is it taking me so long to get where it is I know I want to be? How can I get back on the move? I know that things get in the way, “Life happens while we’re making other plans,” right? Making choices and start forgetting how to discipline ourselves when it comes to fulfilling that void. It just can’t be true, that thing, that thought that nothing could stand in my way of catching that dream, that dream that was going to change the world…remember?  That belief that I was going to change the world, world recognition. I still know it’s in me, I am truly capable of doing it. I believe that with all my heart, soul, with every breathe in me. However at this point I feel robbed, I just keep asking myself, “Why are you not doing it?” I need that spark, that tiny start that will get me in motion. Where do I find the tiniest spark?” I keep asking myself, “Why don’t you just focus? Change your habits? Why not write down what you need to do like you used to?” Pull yourself together and see the bigger picture. Maybe nows that point in life you need to get a life coach.

Just Don't Give Up 

Maybe a life coach can give me that clear picture I once had that has faded away. So I, like so many others pay to have this person help people transmit ideas and thoughts back to the forefront of our lives. This is in return going to improve our feelings of emptiness and bring back that self sense of value. This person will hold you accountable, since it seems relying on my self to get things done just doesn’t seem to be working. But maybe this is just another process one must take to get back on track. Get our creative juices flowing right? So why is nothing being triggered? I’m actually paying someone to pull out the part of me that just doesn’t give up.  if you know you weren’t programmed to give up on anything, you know you’re a person that’s not just a dreamer, you’re a doer. You’ve always been a doer. This life coach is determined to make us take action, not just use words and inspirational quotes. Come on, I don’t need the light bulb to go on, I’ve had the paradigm shifts and I’m open for more. I’m open for change, and I’m open for improvement. Let’s go, I’m revived up and ready, give me the message and show me how to make it happen. I’m not a quitter. However, the secrets, the words, their supposed leadership, that light they were supposed to help me find, it still hasn’t been reached. What does it really take to motivate someone? 

What's It Going To Take? 

“So what will it take? Church, spiritual awakening?” I’m ready, let’s do it. Not only is it a challenge to just get their physically, but it’s also not putting things in perspective as far as conquering the challenge. I feel the Holy Spirit, I feel spiritually feed, I love the fellowshipping, but the lack of motivation, the inspiration is still gone. I need to keep myself going. I need inspiration, I need to be motivated, and those feelings, that adrenaline rush, has just seems to have disappeared and I don’t know how to get it back. Times have changed me and I don’t know how that happened, I really am fighting it, I am not a person that lets things get in the way of accomplishing the things I want to achieve in my life. I’m not a victim of any circumstances. How do I keep it all going?

Does It Last? 

The times and thoughts, the encouragement has just disappeared, why? Does self motivation last? Perhaps not, those words of encouragement just don’t seem to be working anymore. Words of encouragement didn’t seem to last but a few days, sure my adrenaline really wanted them to go farther than they did, but it wants far enough. Why didn’t the process of repetition help my motivation get stronger? Why did all the inspirational books I read help me cross the finish line in the past and now they’re not getting me to the place I need to be? The uplifting stories that in the past converted to real life for me and made me strive to make it happen, why wasn’t that leading to action? 

Will Power

Maybe I didn’t have enough willpower?  Willpower is something I’ve never been short of…never. I don’t believe there’s any crying in baseball, you play through the pain, the reward far out weighs the pain. So what’s the solution? At this point searching for new outlets, inspirational quotes, movies that made you want to beat the odds, affirmation cards, reading self help books, success stories about tenacity and determination, hearing motivational speakers, church, even getting another life coach, working out, juicing and eating better…none of it mattered. Just the thought of it were just messages wrote down as reminders, that’s what it felt like, a post it note, and I was forgetting to read the post-it notes. 

The Point Of No Return 

Does this mean one has reached the point of laziness? I’m not lazy though. Do I now need to change my environment in order to get that drive and determination back so I can, “reach success” I wan around nothing but postivity, My husband, love of my life, my family, my house was filled with positivity, positive reenforcement, and love….No shortness of love? So that couldn’t be part of the equation. I hear another famous quote in my head saying, "You’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.” This is true, but when you’re willing to take the action, when you’re willing to do the work, when you’re all about goal setting and focussing on those goals, that's how you're wired. The moment comes when you stop to think, "What happened?" This is not the person I want to be, I want to be the person I know I am. 

The Journey 

I still can’t figure out this part of the journey. It doesn’t make since. The inspiring quotes, the motivational talks, the life coach, church meetings, all the leadership values have centered around a temporary time clock that’s running out of time. The synergy, the excitement has faded, and failing to accomplish goals I’ve set out to pursue isn’t acceptable. Can there be any explantation? I can’t find one…and I’ve truly tried. Motivation is temporary, it doesn't last. It's an incentive to push you towards something. But inspiration, that inspiring moment is strong. So strong you can't make it go away. It's that inspiration that evokes some sort of motivation in you to do something. One's internal and the other external, but they go together. 


Maybe it’s all a myth. Is there a truth to any theories on tenacity or determination, or is it just failing its course? Willpower can only go so far, positive imagination can quickly be difficult to maintain, the reason why we’re driving to do something can change and so can the pushing force behind it. There’s got to be more reasons why a person feels like they lost their power to improve themselves. What makes someone want to stop taking action, why does are drive disappear? I’ve researched and can’t find out what it is, please someone tell me what is it? Maybe something subconsciously turns off inside you. There are certain psychological experiences that have discovered sometimes it depends on what’s going on in your life. Depression can drastically impact our motivation levels. 

Kept Yourself Going 

It's a struggle to keep yourself going. A lack of inspiration is a lack of energy. I am not naturally a person that puts things off, however once your inspiration fades and you're not motivated to be makes it really hard to achieve any of your goals. Your brain has to keep motivating itself, it's like exercising, you keep going or you stop. When you keep going you see and feel the benefits, when you see and feel the results. As for inspiration, it's that the reason why you want to do something? Isn't it why you feel something? I never needed to exercise to be inspired, I never needed to exercise to be motivated to do something. So what's up with that? It’s all a facade and that’s just the way it is I guess. You get that dopamine signal moving that allows us to keep moving so we're motivated. That "Happy Hormone," doesn't just come naturally? So if we are born to be a "go-getter," and we've always been that way, what's the explaination for it stopping? It doesn't expire, well it's not supposed to. 

What's Going To Happen 

Enjoy the inspiration while it lasts, because even if you keep it going, even if your motivated and going on a rollercoaster of positive affirmations, it just ends up with a, “So now what happens now?” You will continue asking yourself, “Where do I go from here?” It takes you into an abyss. Who’s to know what happens while you’re going through it, while you’re in it, and what if you make it out…when what? It’s time to rebuild and if you don’t know how, if all you’ve tried to do has failed…it’s not going to be easy.

 Luciani Enterprises 702 

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