Our four-legged companion, the center of our family, the one that makes you laugh, and gives you unconditional's to the one that brings us endless joy, loyalty, and unconditional love. Just think about it, there's no person that's really going to love you unconditionally. People have mood swings, they take things personal, that includes family. Sometimes people need a break from each other, they need their space. Here's to the one that brings us endless joy, loyalty and yes...unconditional love. You can loose track of time and sometimes a person gets caught up in the moment working or dealing with people, but your loving dog is there waiting for you. So excited to see, a excited to smother you with endless affection,  and expecting nothing in return. So set a little time aside to bond with your pet. In this blog we'll explore some delightful ways to pamper your furry friend. 


Ready to bond? Do you ever get bored or want to interact with someone? You devoted dog needs you to engage with them. Play a game together, do a dog puzzle, throw a squeaky ball around together. A great way to have some fun together and even build up some confidence in your dog. You can even make your own dog game at home. If you have some colored paper/plastic cups or small boxes lying around, get ready to line a few up.  Take different colored paper cups and hide a treat under one or maybe a small toy. For example the red one can have a treat under them, or mayhe a white one has a toy under it. Quickly show them what's under them. Let them flip over the boxes over until they get the treat/toy. You'll get a laugh out of watching them. You can also get a cup cake tin and put some treats in a couple and maybe a toy in one, place tennis balls over the holes and play hide and treat seek. There's so many ways to stimulate your dogs brain while having fun together.


Time for some R&R: Refreshed and rejuvenation, starting with a spa day for affectionate warmhearted member of the family. I'd like to say a, "relaxing spa day," however, some dogs dogs don't enjoy this part, but it's part of being a dog owner. Plus after this your dog will be relaxed and enjoy the end results. Start with a nail trim. It's fast and painless using a electric pet nail trimmer. Then grab a brush to remove any loose or tangled hair. Some dogs might not like getting a bath, so get a massage bath brush. You don't want a dirty smelly dog. Like a child that doesn't want to take a bath, once clean the relaxation will come. If they don't like water, get a massage bath brush so they can enjoy a little massage while getting. squeaky clean. After they shake off the water all over you, have a nice towel to hug them with while getting them dry. If you are inclined to a fast cool blow dry, go for it. But most importantly it's only fair to end with a massage. Softly get in there and slowly massage around the ears, rub their belly, and talk to them like you would a baby. They will eat it up. Once clean they will feel better, relaxed and maybe a little tired. 


Of course we use treats for positive reinforcement when training our dogs, but what better way to end the day with some home made biscuits. It's easy to whip up some peanut butter biscuits, and it only takes about 20 minutes. It's a quick and easy way to strengthen your bond while connecting over treats. A healthy option is whole wheat flour or white whole wheat flour for this recipe. Make sure to use natural peanut butter, no added sugar or stabilizers are best. Don't use peanut butter with xylitol, it's dangerous for dogs. Add a little water until ingredients come together and roll out dough, use cookie cutters to make different shapes for your dog treats. Bake and serve at room tempature. You can also freeze some for later. Look up a couple recipes. We like this one, but research what's right for your dogs diet.

TIME WELL SPENT                                                                    

It's only fair that we show them the same level of care and affection they shower upon us. Pampering your dog is not just about indulgence. It's a way to bond and ensure their physical and emotional well being. Let them feel special and both of you will enjoy the quality time together. The little time together is worth all the unconditional love, all the slopping licks, and all the addition love you both will enjoy together as you both get to know more about each other and both you and your dog will become better friends. Plus, time goes by fast, so hold on to the special memories and laughs together. Memories last a life time. 

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