Let The Car Drive Itself
Vintage Cars and Classic Cars vs. Electric Self Automotive Vechiles
Future Technology
“Excuse me, why do you keep staring at me?” He said flirting with the girl at the gas station. She looked past his shoulder and gazed without making eye contact, “It’s not you, it’s your car.” He smirked, “Life’s fast…but my car’s even faster.” Life is fast, things arechanging even faster, and people are interacting with technology like never before. Are you listening? We’re depending on technology more than any other time in history. People aren’t taking time to research products they’re buying because everyone’s too eager to keep up with the latest and greatest product that will make our lives convenient, so much so that we just stop thinking for ourselves. We leave our thinking to technology.
Cars Represent
We love our cars, some people spend more time in their cars more than they do in their homes. Cars are not only our transportation, but also represent who we are. Our vehicle is a status symbol, it’s part of our personality, our cars are part of who we are. They give us our independence. The technology, even the smallest things, make our driving safer. We can skillfully drive more efficiently. We can effortlessly adjust our side view mirrors, our vision can be quickly complimented when we use our map screen to pull out of a driveway, and when we can’t see out of our blind spot, our car can. The software in our car can help monitor everything around us. So how inspiring would it be to own a robotic car that does everything we want it to do and more? An autonomous vehicle is equipped with the highest technology and all the software senses surrounding it makes driving less dangerous and keeps us more secure from harming ourselves and others. These self driving cars can operate with little to no mishap. These vehicles use, “technology to partially or entirely replace the human driver in navigating a vehicle,” according to an article in
Enjoy The Drive
That’s a car that can do all the thinking for you, allowing you to drive around in style while you leisurely check your emails, make calls, put on make-up, comb your hair, or read while getting you where you want to go with no person having to actually be behind the steering wheel. These cars aid the driver behind the wheel or do all the driving for you. Just like the blindsp\ot and emergency break aid us in our current vehicle, these fully autonomous vehicles do not require a person to be behind the wheel. Cars with electronic eyes, radars, cameras, and laser lights detect ranging with a sophisticated software. All the algorithms trigger breaking, steering, acceleration, speed, and detectors. Tech is moving fast for self driving autonomous cars.
Imagine being in a wheelchair, a person of handicap, or one of your elders that can no longer get around easily anymore, imagine that person being able to get in their car and drive themselves somewhere. That insight is a revelation. It’s also convenient and cost effective! You don’t have to hire a driver, call “Lift” or “Uber.” Operating a company can cost a lot of money when it comes to paying drivers, adding overtime to ones paycheck, or dealing with employees mood swings and personalities make self driving cars seem even more appealing, especially if it’s a fully autonomous vehicle.
No Human Interaction
A car being able to navigate without any human interaction, a self driving vehicle that can pre-detect car accidents, recognize when a traffic light turns red ahead of time, knows where pedestrians are, and predict what objects are going to move where without causing any danger or harm to anyone or anything is amazing. It’s more than convenient, that’s scientific engineering at the highest level! Imagine how many lives can be saved if a vehicle could anticipate what’s going to happen and when it happens as if it had a crystal ball. The latest article in has some revealing news. “Tesla prontos camera based technology and AI to detect and interpret a robot cars surroundings,” reported by Another Levandowskir.
Not having to stress over teaching a teen to drive, no challenges traveling cross-country, not having to parallel park, all you have to do is relax and enjoy the soothing ride while your car takes you to your destination. Until you hear a screeching crash of cars colliding and a big piece of glass goes through your right eyeball. How much time goes into making sure autonomous vehicles are safe? What if there’s a glitch in the software, or the map software isn’t updated fast enough? It’s a bit worrisome thinking about how self driving cars interact with human driving cars. Can these high tech cars get us to our destination no matter the situation? There are still challenges. However, a lot of advanced testing is looking promising. 2016 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration claims 94% of autonomous car accidents were caused by human error, according to The DMV started testing autonomous cars in 2018. There are many companies with extensive training programs and technology software is constantly being updated and put through numerous aptitudes, analysis, and rigorous assessments. It looks promising and with all the advanced methods like MPCI it could happen sooner than we think.
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