"Pay attention kids...look up here at the front of the class. We are having a contest between the other classes. The winners of this contest will get a pizza party!" We're all familiar with these food drives that take place every year. "Which ever class brings in the most canned goods this week is going to get a pizza party, so be sure to let your parents know." This is great motivation for children to go home and let their parents know it's time for them to clean out their cupboards and pantries. Get rid of all that processed ucky canned food that nobody wants to eat. Grab those fat cut ucky green beans mom bought last year, she forgot to make it. We always think we can put a face to the person, family, or group that's going to receive your unwanted old cans that have sat in your pantry for the last year. What's worse than stereotyping the face behind the food donation drive? It's not taking a second to even stop to think about putting a face...