

   Ladies Hats         Vintage Inspired vs. Modern Style Womens Hats When it comes to women's hats, there are two distinct styles that have gained popularity in recent years: vintage-inspired  ladys hats  and model-style lady hats. Each style has its own unique characteristics, and choosing the right hat for your outfit can be a challenge. In this blog, we will take a closer look at vintage-inspired lady hats and model-style lady hats to help you decide which one is right for you.                                                        VINTAGE-INSPIRED WOMENS HATS A fashion statement. A touch of elegance and sophistication to any outfit.Vintage-Inspired lady hats are designed to mimic the classic styles of the past, ranging from the 1920's to the 1960's. Want versatility?These hats are often made from traditional materials such as wool, felt, or straw and feature a variety of styles, including the cloche, pillbox, and wide-brimmed sun hats. They are often adorned with decora


  What's Behind The Glove  VINTAGE GLOVES She looked around, feeling isolated and detached from all the other women in the room. She wasn’t trained on how to properly wear gloves. Looking at her hands then looking around at everyone else, she looked down and her mind began to race. She thought to herself   “Do these gloves make my hands look fat? Maybe my fingers look like the gloves are too tight? Do I have these gloves on right?”  She wanted to know what the rules were. Under those gloves were hard working hands. The first rule was to never go outside without wearing your gloves. Gloves that didn’t fit properly meant you were low class. She noticed her gloves looked so plain next to the other ladies. Their gloves were extravagant, embroidered, embellished, and a lot of womens' gloves matched their outfits. She dreamed of wearing gloves with such lavish designs, embroidered with embellishments to match her clothing. Not only were gloves stylish, but also a necessity.  There wa


     The Better You Look...The Better You Feel Unveling The Confidence Within  She would never walk into a cosmetic department at any retail store. She'd try not to look at all the beautiful women getting their make-up done.  "I'm not pretty enough, I can't afford it, they're snobby people,"  are things that popped in her head as she quickly walked by the make-up artists. Until one raining day, she walked in to get a new pair of shoes. The store was so quiet, you could hear the echo of heels walking through the aisles.  "Excuse me, can you pop in my chair? I got some new colors in and I wanted to try them out."  She was in shock,  "Me? I'm sorry, I just came in for a new pair of heels, not makeup."  The make-up artist replied,  "That's okay, you'll be giving me something to do, pop in my chair, I'd really like to try our new products out on you."  Sometimes makeup can be intimidating, women don't feel they'


    Jewelry Is Not Only An Accessory  She walked toward the bench with her head down looking at her phone. She gently sat down, eyes locked to her phone, unaware of anything else going on. Paying close attention to her phone, she stared at the voice mail button and with hesitation, she pushed the button to listen to the message. There was a quick harsh burst of wind that rushed through her hair while her neck was yanked back by some strong force. A hand caught in her hair pulled and jerked her head back. She was gasping for air when she felt the necklace being ripped off her neck. In shock with a delayed reaction she realized someone just stole her mothers necklace right off her neck.                                                                         ROYAL MOTHER OF ALL JEWELRY   It was such a vigorous force and seemed to happen so fast, she was still in shock, she couldn’t speak. No words came from her mouth, tears started flowing down her check and she gently touched her neck. H


                                                            Don't Let Go Of A Classic  When I hear someone say,  "If you love something set it free and if it returns to you it was meant to be."  I recently heard someone say that and my body cringed while at the same time my brain thought,  "Who is this idiot?"  I didn't even need to see what he looked didn't matter. The fact that his voice was so nonchalant, word after word he announced was crippling with an easy going flow.  "This guy has never felt any remorse or regret,"  he was infuriating and I think he was just repeating words he heard people say, not knowing what that phrase really means. I wanted to say,  "That's a load of crap!"  Especially when it comes to guitars.'s open for interpretation, it's all about how you look at things that make the words have meanings. Granted, I viewed that phrase opposite of how he envisioned it. Although it's